Intermediate Band
The Intermediate Band is the instrumental ensemble designed to help bridge the gap between middle school and high school band. This ensemble is for students who have had successful musical experiences in middle school to help transition them to the high school level of band. They MUST have previous experience as this is not a beginning level ensemble. This is the general path of a Ninth Grade student unless through audition, they are placed in the Concert or Symphonic Band. The student will have the opportunity to develop tone and ensemble concepts in preparation for more in-depth study either in the Concert Band or in the Symphonic Band. The ensemble performs public concerts and school functions. The Band has received Superior Ratings at the NCBA Music Performance Adjudication in Grade III and also elects to perform at another national festival. This is an ACADEMIC level course.
Concert Band
The Concert Band is very similarly set-up to the Intermediate Band, however, it requires an audition. This ensemble includes 9th-12th grade students and is the middle level ensemble at Leesville Road High School. This ensemble plays grade IV or V at NCBA Music Performance Adjudication. This Ensemble is FULL YEAR and has two sections to it – an HONORS level as well as an ACADEMIC level. These students are all in the same ensemble, however, students may take the course for honors credit with additional requirements throughout the school year.
Symphonic Band
The Symphonic Band is Leesville’s premier audition-only band. The serious music student will explore the art of music from the classical “standards” by the Masters to pieces by contemporary composers. The student will learn advanced technique and musical concepts. The Symphonic Band has received Superior Ratings at the NCBA Music Performance Adjudication in Grade VI. It is the featured performance band at many school functions. The Symphonic Band merges music with movement and is Leesville’s Marching Band and performs at home football games, parades, and competitions. Further, every student is expected to attend all Performances, Band Camp in July, before school morning rehearsals as well as weekly section rehearsals. This ensemble (both Symphonic and Marching) meets during fourth period. Therefore in order to be in MARCHING BAND, you MUST be in the Symphonic Band. Typically only about 5-10% of freshman are ready for this ensemble when they enter high school. Most wait a year or two before joining Symphonic. This is an HONORS course.
**Once a member of the Concert or Symphonic Bands, other opportunities such as Jazz Band, Pep Band, Winter Guard, Brass Ensembles and Woodwind Ensembles are available to students.**