Hello LRHS Band Students and Parents:

I have some very sad news to share with you. Our trips to Charleston, South Carolina with Concert Band and Intermediate Band AND Orlando, Florida with the Symphonic Band have been CANCELLED by Wake County Public Schools. We are currently working through trying to find refunds and will update you as we get more information back.

That being said, our Bands Club meeting tonight HAS BEEN CANCELLED as well. There is no need for us to meet as the focus of the meeting was for these trips.

Lastly, as of noon today, our MPA’s for next week ARE STILL ON. I will let you know if this changes. We still DESPERATELY need chaperones to join us! Please sign-up to help us chaperone next Tuesday and Wednesday at these links:

Intermediate: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0e48acac2ea02-intermediate

Concert: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0e48acac2ea02-mpaconcert

Symphonic: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0e48acac2ea02-symphonic

Here are the only other updates we planned to share at the meeting:

1. Auditions for Symphonic Band for CURRENT high school students are March 19th and 20th after school. Please sign-up for a time in the band room.

2. Auditions for Concert Band for CURRENT high school students will be done in class on the 23rd. All others will use their exam playing test grade as their audition placement.

3. Auditions for Symphonic/Concert Band for RISING high school students are March 12th and 13th after school. Please have 8th graders sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/2020lrhsbandaudition

4. MPA Specifics —

  • Intermediate Band: MUST be at school by 6:30am on Wednesday March 18th! They will need to find alternate transportation to school because of how early our MPA performance time is! Please make sure to plan ahead so that we can depart for MPA on time!!!! They will need to arrive to school IN THEIR CONCERT UNIFORM. They will need to bring money with them for lunch at Zaxby’s, Firehouse or Burger King. They can also choose to bring their own lunch if they would rather.
  • Concert Band: Please note that will not be able to ride the bus home on Tuesday, March 17th due to their MPA performance time. They will need to be picked up from school at 5:40pm. See instruction sheet for specifics. They will need to BRING their Uniform in a suit bag to school. We will change into uniforms here. They also need to bring $5 for pizza that day by this THURSDAY.
  • Symphonic Band: Please note that will not be able to ride the bus home on Wednesday, March 18th due to their MPA performance time. We will leave during 4th period, so they will need to bring their uniform in their garment bag. They should WEAR their B Uniform to school as we will travel in that uniform. We will also eat dinner together that afternoon before we perform. Please bring $5 to Drew by Thursday for Pizza.


Ms. Alyssa Montgomery
Director of Bands
Leesville Road High School
8410 Pride Way
Raleigh, NC 27613
(919)-870-4250 ext. 24568