LRHS Band News & Notes, Ep. #37

Good Evening Bands Club Families!

Hello Again – twice in one day. I hope that you have had a good day and that our students are managing all their year-end projects and exams with ease.  It is hard to believe that our Bands Club Year-End Banquet is just a little over a week away! Hopefully, you have all been able to access the Panera order process for the Bands Club banquet. If you do plan to order from Panera, please remember that all orders must be placed by midnight tomorrow, Thursday, May 23rd. 

Last night was the last Bands Club meeting for the 2023-2024 school year. We had a good turn-out including some new families starting in our program in August. Some exciting plans for the 24/25 Bands Club year were shared so look for that info in future editions of our newsletter. Tonight’s edition has information to get you through the next couple of weeks plus more Summer Music opportunities for our students are listed. Look for all this and more in our newsletter which can be found using the following link:

As always, thank you for taking your time to read our Bands Club newsletter and to support all the important work that goes into a great Music Education program like ours! Many hands make for light work – and in our case, they also support the making of great music and young musicians! Please have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend. I will be back next week with more Band News and Notes. Until then…

Take Care!
