All members of Symphonic Band attend an annual work-study-training camp. Traditionally, the camp is held during the last week of July and the first week of August. Our time together is spent organizing and training the new and returning band members to perform together during the new school year. Our school and community have high expectations of the Symphonic Band and we’re extraordinarily lucky to have this opportunity for fellowship and bonding along with a lot of cool mountain air and physical activity!
Date | Event | Time | Band |
Jun 14 | First Rehearsal | 6:30pm -8:30pm (arrive at 6pm) | SB |
Jul 17-21 | Pre-Band Camp at LRHS | 8:00am – 12:00pm | SB |
Jul 23-29 | 27th Band Camp at Lees McRae College in Banner Elk, NC | All Day | SB |
Aug 15 | Summer Rehearsal | 6:00pm-8:30pm | SB |
Aug 16 | Summer Rehearsal | 6:00pm-8:30pm | SB |
Aug 17 | Summer Rehearsal | 6:00pm-8:30pm | SB |
Aug 22 | Summer Rehearsal | 6:00pm-8:30pm | SB |
Aug 23 | Open House | NO REHEARSAL | SB |
Aug 24 | Summer Rehearsal | 6:00pm-8:30pm | SB |
Aug 28 | First Day of School | INT/CB/SB |

LRHS Band Camp operates as a school function. School Rules and Regulations are observed at all times. Every aspect of our Band Camp is conducted with the highest regard for the health, safety, and welfare of every student member.

Since Band Camp is primarily getting our Marching Band Show ready for the new school year, it is critical for everyone to be present and participate. We work on getting INDIVIDUALS ready and getting the WHOLE BAND ready. We spend a great deal of time working on fundamentals — both the fundamentals of performing music and the fundamentals of marching.

We know that Band Camp is an investment. It’s expensive to transport, house, board, and get dedicated rehearsal space and field facilities for a week. We have high expectations for every member’s dedication and sacrifice to guarantee that the results are worth the investment. And it does — we see it pay off every year.
Note: Band Camp is mandatory for Symphonic Band Members Only